Monday, June 9, 2008

Sanya Richards: Robbed of 400m WR?

There isn't too much controversy over the Women's 400m WR (World Record for you learners) of 47.60 by East Germany's Marita Koch. Personally I've dreaded the purity of this record more than any other questionable one out there. There's also the 10.49 and 21.34 run by Florence Griffith Joyner...very questionable indeed. The reason I didn't do a topic on this is just for the simple fact that nobody believes she wasn't doping during those times, so I'd be preaching to the choir. But Marita Koch is another story. For starters, she ran back in the times where Germans and Russians were under heavy speculation of doping in various sports. The women looked like men with breasts and slightly lighter mustaches, and usually short hair. Their muscle definition was off the roof, and their voices were exceptionally deep for a woman. Whatever the case may be, I feel as though Sanya Richards is being robbed of that record seeing as even though she someday wishes to break it, realistically, without the use of steroids, that day will most likely never come. The only woman to even break the 48 second barrier in the last 12 years besides Mexico's Ana Guevara is Sanya Richards. The record was set 23 years ago. Back then there was also a Russian runner (Jarmila Kratochvilova) who owned the record at 47.99 two years prior. So you mean to tell me that NO American woman has gotten close to even touching the 47 second barrier with all the legendary coaches we have here, and there are TWO women who, back in their country's respective doping years, have? Whereas on the Men's side we completely own the 400m dash (and ironically the same coach mentoring the record holder for the Men's is coaching Richards). No, we can't prove it, but there sure is enough to say that by a reasonable doubt those women were on something and this record is tainted. They should just place an asterisk by it and place the next "legit" time from a historically "legit" country as the WR. Probably that of France runner Marie-Jose Perec (48.25). But hey, that's just my opinion, that's not going to happen so we'll have to suffer with the tainted record that is and hope one day it is surpassed by an completely (for the most part) natural athlete.

1 comment:

Ayan said...

hey thanks for commenting on my blog. i hope i get to go to the gym more often from now on. are you an athlete yourself?